2013-10-10 07.57.30Sherry Tier and Kristal Nolf are off learning the latest and greatest in the Moodle world at the Midwest Moodle Moot and SLATE conference being held at the Northern Illinois University, Naperville campus.  So far, rubbing elbows with educators, technologists, and administrators we have learned:

Moodle 2.6 will be released soon and will include some exciting new features:

  • Instructors will be able to annotate PDF documents right within the assignment area.
  • New assignment mark allocation and management, will allow a team of instructors to grade, and go through a grading review cycle.

Did you know you could use:

  • The Choice Activity as a project check-in, as a conversation starter, or as a way for students to sign up for a project?
  • The Online Text assignment as an online journal, as a study guide, or as a mini quest or scenario?
  • A Quiz as a lesson?

The power of the question, why, in course design.

There are a lot of great ideas here and we look forward to bringing them back to NMC.

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