1. This is not the class I planned for you and certainly not the one you expected.  I pledge to you that I understand that. This is stressful – for all of us. Please know I am going to do my best to make this last few weeks the best that they can be under the circumstances. I’m going to do my best to create a quality, useful, applicable online experience. It won’t be the same as class. It’s going to be ok.
  2. It’s ok to be stressed, upset, and struggle with the feelings that ‘this isn’t what I signed up for’.  Me too. We’re going to get through this together.
  3. My favorite part about our in-class time together is our comradery.  We’ve developed amazing relationships and respect over the last 9 weeks. We have great conversations in class.  I’m going to try to find ways for us to remain connected and I hope we can continue our dialogues and conversations in meaningful ways… I don’t believe in mandated posts + required #’s of comments – that’s not authentic to any of us.  I am going to work on finding ways to use Moodle, Zoom, skype, etc. as well as picking up the ‘old fashioned’ telephone to keep connected with you – individually and collectively.
  4. This may feel lonely, isolating, and disconnecting.  If you’re struggling with these kinds of feelings, reach out.  And know I’m going to try to check in. I care about you. I care about your mental well-being.
  5. I don’t believe in busy work. But I do need to come up with some ways to ‘check for understanding’ so I understand how you’ve “made meaning” from the course content.  That’s easy to do in class, but will need to take a different form online. I am going to put out weekly directions to cover readings, a lecture video to watch (usually 4-5 minutes), and some kind of ‘check-for-understanding’ activity.  In addition, I will have directions for smaller steps as we create/develop/edit our unit projects, with incremental steps, due dates, and feedback.
  6. There are going to be some bumps in the road. We cannot anticipate all of those hiccups and bumps.  It’s ok. I intend to be patient and flexible as we need given whatever happens next. Please give me the same level of understanding.
  7. I’m still here – instead of being at the board, I’m now behind the screen. But I’m still here, I’m still human, and I’m going to work to make this the best darn online class you never signed up for.  We’re going to get through this – together – one step, day, week at a time.

— Dr. Cathy

Creative Commons License
Seven things to know from me as we go from in-class to on-line: a note from your professor by Cathy Warner, Ed.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://teaching.nmc.edu/seven-things-to-know-from-me-as-we-go-from-in-class-to-on-line-a-note-from-your-professor/.