Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Unit 3 of the ENG111 curriculum is designed to help out students learn the elements of effective argumentative writing. We refer to them as Pathos, Ethos, and Logos — Emotions, Ethics, and Logic.  This week’s active and applied learning project was to put these...
Scientific Method in English Class? (It works! Hear me out!)

Scientific Method in English Class? (It works! Hear me out!)

Our ENG111 textbook addresses Scientific Methods within the Narrative chapters.  As most of our students are not intending on studying English as a major/minor, I’ve found a need to take some time and address this narrative practice and its applications for our...
A thousand ships

A thousand ships

A fascinating aspect of my prior career as a consultant was working with a wide range of businesses that I would not have guessed had existed. One client milled silicon carbide and tungsten into precision rings that serve as impenetrable seals for pipelines. Another does nothing more than replace air filters in air conditioning units throughout southern […]