Week 4 – Do What Matters.

Week 4 – Do What Matters.

  I’ve been questioning whether or not to write this particular blog.  I’ve come to the conclusion that this story needs to be shared. During our narrative unit, I chose to wear a particular shirt that has the message “Free MOM Hugs”.  The...
Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Unit 3 of the ENG111 curriculum is designed to help out students learn the elements of effective argumentative writing. We refer to them as Pathos, Ethos, and Logos — Emotions, Ethics, and Logic.  This week’s active and applied learning project was to put these...
Scientific Method in English Class? (It works! Hear me out!)

Scientific Method in English Class? (It works! Hear me out!)

Our ENG111 textbook addresses Scientific Methods within the Narrative chapters.  As most of our students are not intending on studying English as a major/minor, I’ve found a need to take some time and address this narrative practice and its applications for our...
Teaching Narrative: Learning to Lead, Follow, Listen, & Reflect

Teaching Narrative: Learning to Lead, Follow, Listen, & Reflect

How do I teach (lead) and inspire the leadership potential and academic engagement in my students? How do I create an environment where my students can share their past and their stories?  How can I help them reflect on those experiences, putting them on paper?  ...