Using Metacognition: The Mid-semester Check-in

Two weeks ago, I handed out mid-semester feedback forms to my students. They got two forms–one where they gave me feedback on my leading of the class, and one where they did some reflecting on their own success and challenges so far in the class. I think this...
Peeking Into Knowledge

Peeking Into Knowledge

  I am a huge fan of the recently deceased Dallas Willard.  Dallas was a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, prolific writer, and deep thinker about things that matter.  He left this earth around 3 years ago. Recently I was rereading...
Algorithms to Improve Your Life

Algorithms to Improve Your Life

If you don’t listen to the podcast “Note to Self,” I would encourage you to do so. Last year I wrote a post on one of Manoush’s (the host) podcasts and she has some wonderful bits on the tech side of being human. Recently I listened to an...

Life Happens

Life happens.  I teach classes to students who are entering or are already in jobs where my class is considered part of the career development.  They are not going to transfer to another school.  They do not want a degree, but one would be nice.  They are in the class...
Ditch the Dinosaur: Advance your Assessment Technology

Ditch the Dinosaur: Advance your Assessment Technology

Scantron forms and scanners are antiquated tools still in use at NMC, but many instructors and academic areas are phasing them out in favor of newer assessment technology. During the October PD day I lead a session introducing the Teaching Assistant application, a...