My Most Inspiring Student

When Katherine turned in her first assignment in ENG 97/107, I was shocked. The assignment was to write a page of free writing explaining something they were good at and how they got good at it. Most students wrote about a page–messy and full of errors, maybe,...
The WRC: Forging Student Connections

The WRC: Forging Student Connections

This morning I was eating my snack at a table in the Writing and Reading Center when I overheard a conversation between two students. One student asked the other if she was at the WRC for her psychology paper or her sociology paper. When the other student responded...
When Accounting is Spelled, “Water…”

When Accounting is Spelled, “Water…”

      Lofty ideas and ideals need to have a landing place. Words and ideas need to become flesh if they are to have any value at all. I am an educator. But I am also an innovator. I guess that makes me an educational innovator? Strangely, that label...
Course Projects – Getting Topics Right

Course Projects – Getting Topics Right

Students with enthusiasm – awesome! Spring CIT 275 students developed a multi-player top-down shooter game and presented their project twice last April, to faculty and staff at the Friday Forum and to community business leaders at the CIT Advisory Committee....

The AHA Moment

In calculus III we spend the majority of our time studying functions in 3-dimensional space. I told the students early on that making a real 3-D model would, at times, be the only way they would really be able to “see” it. Most of the semester our 3-D grapher has been...