When it Clicks

When it Clicks

I teach math. Everybody’s favorite subject … to hate. Nothing gives me more satisfaction in my job than when what I am teaching finally clicks with the student. I teach students that love math and I teach more students that hate math. I have to say that the...
Like Herding Squirrels

Like Herding Squirrels

When you have a career field that is in short supply of personnel, sometimes you have to sell it. Well as a full time Biomed and a adjunct Instructor for the same I have to double sell it. That’s the impossible I took on last week. I was asked to present to an...
My Cloud Data is Where?

My Cloud Data is Where?

Flash back to 10+ years ago. Apple’s iPhone launched in 2007, followed by a wave of other devices over the next two years. The first use of an iPhone required a computer connection, including backups. Now return to present day 2019. We are used to so many...
Wicked – Not the Musical

Wicked – Not the Musical

How about centering education on a wicked problem rather than centering on a department or traditional major? Radical idea? We have discussed for quite some time now about tearing down the silos in education. Why is this such a hard thing to do? Perhaps it is because...