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Accessing Your Panopto Account

To access your Panopto Video account, folders, and stored videos sign in to your NMC employee homepage & services page (https://employees.nmc.edu/).

When the employee page opens, click on “Panopto Video”:

My NMC Page Panopto Icon

A new window will open. This is your Panopto homepage. You can create videos by clicking on the green “Create” button at the top and scroll your stored videos and videos shared with you from the links to the left of the screen:

Panopto Homepage

For detailed tutorials and support on using your video repository account, please visit Panopto support (https://support.panopto.com/s/).

For Moodle or Panopto help, contact the NMC Technology Helpdesk at 231-995-3020

Download this Tutorial
