NMC's Canvas instance currently supports two different quiz types: Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. As the names suggest, Classic Quizzes is Canvas’s original quiz creation and deployment engine, while New Quizzes is its newer, more advanced replacement. While they...
Canvas Corners Articles
Canvas Corner Volume 13: Copying Course Content into Other Courses
Last week, we explored how to import past courses into new Canvas shells. But what if you only need to move specific activities, quizzes, discussions, or modules into a different course? For example, let's say you're creating a course introduction quiz or an...
Canvas Corner Volume 12: Importing a Past Canvas Shell into a New Section
Importing a past Canvas course into a new, blank shell is a task that, for most courses, will need to be completed at the start of each new semester. This process is similar to how it worked in Moodle, but Canvas offers additional, exciting features that make the...
Canvas Corner Volume 11: Creating a Canvas Assignment (Part 3)
Last week's Canvas Corner addressed due dates and rubric creation in Canvas Assignments. This week, we'll concentrate on some lesser used assignment features that can add some exciting wrinkles to your Canvas-supported curriculum: group assignments and the built-in...
Canvas Corner Volume 10: Creating a Canvas Assignment (Part 2)
Last week's Canvas Corner focused on the basics of creating an assignment in Canvas, including adding an assignment description, types of submissions, setting up an online submission, grade settings, and more. This week, we'll concentrate on setting up assignment due...
Canvas Corner Volume 9: Creating a Canvas Assignment (Part 1)
We discussed the Canvas Assignments Page last week, touching on how graded activities can be created in multiple places in Canvas and how they appear and can be arranged on the Assignments page. This week, we’ll focus on the process of creating assignments in Canvas....
Canvas Corner Volume 8: Understanding the Canvas Assignments Page
The Canvas Assignments page is where the Canvas gradebook is organized. For any activity to count towards the course total, it must be added to the Assignments page. Instructors do not have to create assignments and quizzes directly on the Assignments page, but...
Canvas Corner Volume 7: Using the Canvas Syllabus Feature
At NMC, all instructors are required to post their syllabus in Canvas. Fortunately, Canvas provides a dedicated syllabus feature in the course navigation panel that includes several helpful elements to enhance syllabus clarity and course functionality. The NMC...
Canvas Corner Volume 6: Cleaning Up a Moodle Import (Tricky Stuff)
A few weeks ago, we discussed Moodle-to-Canvas imports and the items that transferred most seamlessly from Moodle to Canvas. Today's Canvas Corner will look at some of the items that do not transfer well (or at all) and discuss some of your options for recreating or...