Would you like to help other employees further their understanding of LGBTQ+ students and how to support them? Do you have interesting ways to explain topics such as sex, gender, and sexuality? Are you just looking for some nice folks to do service work with? Then look no further! The Safe Zone learning community wants you!  In fact, the community is looking for several individuals who are interested in developing a NMC-specific Safe Zone training over the fall semester. 


The goal would be to have a well-developed training that can be given in the spring semester and beyond. Participants would earn a badge to indicate they are informed and sensitive toward LGBTQ+ issues. 


If this sounds like you, please contact Christine Mac ( cmac@nmc.edu ) by September 19th. 


CIE-sponsored Learning Communities are small groups of faculty, staff, and/or students who engage in activities that provide learning, pedagogy, and community. LCs have a facilitator and a small budget; they typically meet four or five times a year. Past learning communities include groups focused on student veterans, open educational resources, e-portfolios, and caregiving. If you’d like to learn more about LCs at NMC or propose a new group, please email Janet Lively (jlively@nmc.edu).