Oct 24, 2017
I get stressed, sometimes, by all of the grading and emailing that’s required of me in the middle of the semester, and by the unending to-do list I keep running in my brain. For work, I have a three column to-do list that, when not woefully neglected, works really...
Nov 4, 2016
I’ve been doing some reading to prep for a conference presentation in February, and I thought I’d share some findings about barriers to OER adoption. I particularly liked this study when I came across it in my research because of the methodology that was used. This...
Nov 1, 2016
[Image: “Bull in a China Shop” by Gwen’s River City Images, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0] In one of my daughter’s favorite TV programs is an episode she used to love: A bull in a china shop. Mr. Bull breaks his teapot and takes to to be fixed at Ms....
Oct 26, 2016
[Image: “Frankenstein” by Khánh Hmoong CC BY-NC 2.0] This semester is my third semester using OER (Open Education Resources) here at NMC to teach ENG 111, and I have also jumped in with OER for my ENG 112 course this fall. On ENG 111: I spent my first...
Nov 23, 2015
I’m thankful for the students who are on-time and have all their work done, every time, because I can depend on them to help move a discussion along. I’m thankful for the students who are late and don’t have their work done, because at least they are making the effort...