Do AI detectors work? Can A.I. do math? Should I talk about A.I.with students? How much do I need to know about how A.I. works? If you have any of these questions — or answers to any of these questions — please join us on Sep. 6 for the first Friday Forum of the academic year on A.I. We’ll start at 12:30 with lunch in TJINC 106/07.


Our program, “A.I. is a Game-Changer. Let’s Write New Rules,” provides a platform for considering a range of pressing issues for faculty, students, and staff. We will organize the conversation around five main topics:


  • AI Literacy for Students
  • Authorship, Plagiarism, and Policies,
  • Equity and Ethics
  • Adjusting Expectations and Assignments
  • Establishing Norms for Instructor Use of AI 


We hope you’ll come with more questions, concerns, and strategies about adapting to the new AI reality.  It affects us all — and in different ways — regardless of our subject areas. Working together, we can adapt! 


In the meantime, here are several recent articles to get you thinking for Friday: