Join us this Friday for our Friends and Fitness special edition Friday Forum. Our program features YOUR CHOICE of a guided history walk, Zumba and yoga, or a workout in the North Hall Fitness Center. Exercise supports your brain as well as your body, and we all can use a brain boost as we move into the final stretch of the semester! Here are the details:


  • History instructors Tom Gordon and Stephen Sciciliano will lead a guided walk to Oakwood Cemetery and the Native American marker tree at the Civic Center. Stretch your legs and get a primer on the history of the area. Wear comfortable shoes or boots. The walk is weather dependent, but you have other options. Keep reading! 

Meet for lunch at 12:30 in the Innovation Center 106/07 before the hour-long walk.


  • Science instructors and fitness divas Nicole Speelman and Tammy Coleman will get your heart pumping with a Zumba dance workout followed by a yoga stretch. Nicole revives her first career as a dance instructor as she cheers us through a Zumba dance routine, while Tammy, a certified yoga instructor, will lead a relaxing finish. Bring a mat or heavy blanket for yoga. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes for Zumba; leg warmers and sweatbands are optional. Water bottles recommended. 

Meet at 12:30 in Room 120 of the Rajkovich Physical Education Center. Lunch follows the workout.


  • Media & Instructional Tech genius and fitness guru Kyle Morrison will introduce you to the North Hall Fitness Center with a tour and a beginning work-out program. Regular gym rats should come along, but you already know what to do!

Meet at 12:30 in the North Hall Fitness Center. Hawk Owl boxed lunches available after the workout.  


RSVP today to put this on your calendar!