Copyright Videos in Your Moodle Shell? Important Please Read

Copyright Videos in Your Moodle Shell? Important Please Read

As we learn more about copyright and our responsibility at NMC to be in compliance, Educational Media Technologies has been working to develop a process for how copyright videos are used in courses. Because use of online materials falls under the TEACH Act, please see...

Promoting Student Engagement With Online Classes

I have found it difficult to have students interact with each other when I teach online. When I did the Teaching Solution Boot Camp, one of the assignments was to have a “teaching presence”. I learned that I should have a picture of me outside of the teaching role, so...
Tech Tips: Searching for Specific Emails on Gmail

Tech Tips: Searching for Specific Emails on Gmail

A Quick Guide on Searching for Specific emails on Gmail Tired of looking through endless lists for that one email? “What did we decide in that email conversation?” Then look no more. Here is a quick guide on how to search for those particular emails. To find that one...
Student Friendships: Worth the risk?

Student Friendships: Worth the risk?

Ryein was a student worker in the library.  He was a non-traditional student, army reservist from a troubled family but had a heart of gold.  We came from two different worlds but somehow we became friends during our evening shift together. He helped me to remember...
I don’t understand what you don’t understand

I don’t understand what you don’t understand

“I don’t understand what you don’t understand.” A conversation was occurring in the classroom as I walked in.  A student was attempting to help another with a drawing in the text.  It was not clear to one, and the other thought it was obvious.  It reminded me of a...