Podcasts + POD Network = POD Fest

From one of my favorite resources for faculty and faculty development, the POD Network is hosting an event on December 1st for all individuals interested in learning about podcasting. It will be a free event using Zoom Events. 

What: PODFest, sponsored by the Biggio Center at Auburn University and hosted by the POD Network DRI Committee’s POD Squad, will offer educational developers the opportunity to learn about podcasting and its value to their work. 

Who: We will hear from expert podcasters including Bonni Stachowiak, host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, one of the longest-running and most successful podcasts in higher ed; Catherine Ross, leader of Columbia University’s CTL and host of the Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning podcast; and Siobhan McHugh, a leading scholar in podcast studies and author or the groundbreaking book, The Power of Podcasting

How: After hearing from the experts and engaging in a Q&A, small group breakouts will give you the opportunity to put your new learning into practice by creating an episode of the POD Network’s Centering Centers podcast that will air in 2023. 

Why: Podcasting is a growing area of interest for many educational developers both as a medium for professional development and as a platform for disseminating SOTL, SOED, and other forms of research. The nature of this medium (intimate, conversational) aligns with the values and practices of our work. Podcasts elevate backstage conversations, dialogue, and storytelling as tools of transformational leadership, learning, and change. POD Fest will give you the opportunity to engage in such conversation and to share the ideas and discoveries that emerge therein with a wider audience. Some may value the opportunity to cite this work and the resulting artifact (a published episode on the CC podcast) as evidence of thought leadership and/or public scholarship.  

Registration is open now until November 15: https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9uEKkjkry46DOw6