Provisional faculty are contractually required to attend two outside conferences each year, in addition to attending the New Faculty Institute, Teaching Solutions, and additional trainings and professional development required by the college. That part is clear.


What hasn’t been as clear is a) how do we define New Faculty Institute and b) what other trainings are required by the college? 


CIE worked with Stephen Sciliano, Human Resources, the academic chairs, and the Faculty Association to nail down the answers to those questions. Here’s what folks agreed to:


  • New provisional faculty must attend HR and CIE Orientations in August.
  • Provisional faculty must attend monthly New Faculty Institute meetings during their first and second years of provisional status. Attendance is optional during year three. 
  • Provisional faculty must attend Friday Forums as their teaching schedules allow for all three years of provisional status. 

Please contact Janet Lively if you have any questions. See the CIE Handbook for more information.