Here’s a picture of Laura Korch and a student using the wood-fired kiln this past spring. No fire involved with Friday Forum!
Take a break before the final semester rush at a special Friday Forum in Fine Arts! Ceramics instructor Laura Korch invites us to join her in the studio to craft mugs for the CIE Coffee Club. Laura will finish the mugs later.
Please take a minute to respond to the invite to help us prep for the project. We’ll start with a Hawk Owl lunch at 12:30 in Fine Arts before we play with clay. We can’t wait for this fun chance to get creative and build community with our colleagues!
While we’re at it, here’s a preview of other upcoming CIE events. Look for more info in our next newsletter.
- Jan. 8, January PD: Build your student success chops with alternating workshops on literacy disabilities and alternative grading with experts from the Literacy, Language, and Learning institute and GVSU — Osterlin (old library space)
- Jan. 17, Coffee Club, AI Edition: Experiment with AI and catch up to your students in this hands-on workshop on AI basics, led by faculty coaches — SH 206
- Feb. 7, Friday Forum: Explore how to use AI ethically for streamlining prep and professional communication, led by faculty coaches — TJNIC 104/05