No Vegas, No Problem.

No Vegas, No Problem.

The 4x4x16 Writing Challenge was part of a presentation at a national conference in February.  We were co-presenters with Yavapai College from Arizona at the Instructional Technology Council Conference in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, neither Tracy Russo or I could attend...
Ugly Sweater Party Wrap Up

Ugly Sweater Party Wrap Up

What is this? This is called an infographic and it is a great way to communicate new ideas or summarize information. This infographic was created using Piktochart, an easy to use, free tool.
Robert Goulet and Aurora Borealis;  Only Connect

Robert Goulet and Aurora Borealis; Only Connect

Do you believe there is something germinal to our lives? Is there something planted in us, perhaps even before there was an us (imagine that one!), something of eternal weightiness, our uniqueness, the reason for OUR being here, OUR being human, which welcomes our...
Learning for Life

Learning for Life

In my high school, there was a statement over the entrance way that read, “Learn not for school, but for life.”  I think the best gift of being an educator is that we have the ability to learn from every student, every peer, every day.  I know that is a journey that...