

MOODLE 3.9: Our team finished testing Moodle version 3.9 in early December and the new version will be installed on December 24. Version 3.9 is very similar to our current version of Moodle and you should notice only a few differences between the two versions. The...
Creators Not Consumers: Encouraging Student Agency in Tough Times

Creators Not Consumers: Encouraging Student Agency in Tough Times

As we hit a wall the 9-month mark of the Zoomification of the classroom, I have been reflecting on Marshall McLuhan’s prescient declaration: ‘the medium is the message.’*  Writing in the sixties, McLuhan was concerned primarily with the visual broadcast (one-way)...
Look at These Numbers

Look at These Numbers

Instructors at NMC all know that we would be doomed without our amazing support team in the Educational Technologies department–especially since last March. They have answered all of our questions, walked us through new technologies, sympathized when we have...
“The news is all biased. None of it can be trusted.”

“The news is all biased. None of it can be trusted.”

TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) – New research shows that the college classroom is a high-impact context for developing students’ attitudes, habits and literacy when it comes to engaging with news media, and that college faculty are uniquely positioned to...
Moodle News and Important Dates

Moodle News and Important Dates

As we prepare to welcome winter and race towards the conclusion of this unique fall semester, please make note of the following NMC-related Moodle news and calendar dates: NMC MOODLE NEWS: The Ed Tech team is excited to share the following Moodle updates/changes we...