This is B%llSh!t

This is B%llSh!t

At what point do kids lose their interest in school? It happens, let’s not fool ourselves. How do we take a human, that is intensely curious of the world and grind that out of them? Watch any growing up and you can see them performing experiments constantly. The...
Simulation for our Students

Simulation for our Students

The use of simulation in nursing education offers students a safe, controlled environment to experience simulated patient care experiences or to practice or be evaluated on nursing skills. Simulation is used here in our NMC simulation lab to connect classroom learning...
I Just Want Them to (Like) Trust Me

I Just Want Them to (Like) Trust Me

**The actual title of this post is “I Just Want Them to Like Trust Me” but that formatting doesn’t hold in the title bar. One of the things I’ve discovered about teaching is how difficult it is to admit to myself that sometimes I just want my...
Read a Book

Read a Book

A student mentioned the other day that he had learned more in the last 8 weeks of class than he learned in all of high school.  I am not sure how active he was in his high school classes, but I never saw him doing homework outside of the classroom.  He also said that...