What We Want to Learn

What We Want to Learn

Recently my friend Lisa Blackford gave me a draft of talking points or thoughts leading to potential talking points that her students had constructed in their planning for how they will approach members of the Traverse City community about a shared class project. Some...
They Dissect Fetal Pigs in A&P!

They Dissect Fetal Pigs in A&P!

Okay, so I guess I should have thought about the fact that Anatomy and Physiology would involve, you know, anatomy–and physiology. It should have occurred to me that one does not learn how the body looks and functions just by reading books or listening to...
Would You Please Start Arguing? Part 1 of 4

Would You Please Start Arguing? Part 1 of 4

I thought for this first week, I’d share a bit of the talk I gave at the TYCA Midwest conference in Indianapolis earlier this month called “Would You Please Start Arguing? When Academic Argument, ‘Mere’ Opinion, and Comments Section Culture Collide”. In the talk I...
How Can I Help Students Overcome Dyscalculia?

How Can I Help Students Overcome Dyscalculia?

I have been doing a lot of research lately on dyscalculia. Wondering if my students have it and what I can do to help them. I was pretty amazed at what I found. I learned that it affects 7% of the population. I learned that some students that have dyscalculia are able...
Why Not Random Groups?

Why Not Random Groups?

If you teach a class where you have lots of group activities, as I do, you inevitably face the issue of how to divide the class up. If your class already clumps into prickly social pods, then letting them group themselves risks replicating the same social order. But...