New Grade Change Reporting Process

New Grade Change Reporting Process

The process for reporting grade changes for students is changing to better serve students. Sometimes Records and Registration doesn’t get all the information they need in an email, so this GOOGLE FORM will now be used to report any grade changes going forward....
Webinar Series: Building Community in the Online Classroom

Webinar Series: Building Community in the Online Classroom

In February, ETOM (Educational Technology Organization of Michigan) launched a new workshop series for member institutions. The first workshop in the series was led by Dr. Tazin Daniels from the University of Michigan. Dr. Daniels is an educational developer and coach...
March and April Upcoming Quick Bytes Training

March and April Upcoming Quick Bytes Training

Learn to use Canva, a graphic layout program for flyers, newsletters, infographics, mind maps, and more.  With tons of templates and design ideas, Canva is a great resource for design. Offered on Thursday, March 17 from 12-1 pm  Register Here All About Google Forms...
Moodle Minute(s) E1: Missing Grades in Past Courses

Moodle Minute(s) E1: Missing Grades in Past Courses

Moodle Minute(s) are short, weekly tutorial videos that explore small-but-helpful Moodle functions, settings, and activities designed to ease the workload of instructors. Each tutorial will explore an unfamiliar part of Moodle that can (hopefully) improve pedagogy and...
Get Access to Great Teaching Articles through NISOD

Get Access to Great Teaching Articles through NISOD

You’ve perhaps heard of NISOD (the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) but do you wonder just what they do? They describe themselves as an organization that “provides budget-friendly, high-quality, and faculty-focused programs and...