The New Science of Learning book coverThe CIE Book Club is back! Our featured book is The New Science of Learning, Third Edition, by Todd Zakrajsek, the keynote speaker at tomorrow’s October Conference. 

Use this form to order the book, courtesy of CIE. We will take orders through the end of the month. Then join us for a discussion of the book at an upcoming Coffee Club or Friday Forum TBA.  

The New Science of Learning has been the required textbook for EDU 100 College Success for a number of years. The book focuses on how our brains work and how we learn anything, not just academic material. 

I use The New Science of Learning with my EDU 100 Early College students with great success. The scientific approach resonates with students, breaking through the wah, wah, wah of study skills advice that students have heard forever. When my students learn the neurological reasons why a good night’s sleep is more beneficial than pulling an all-nighter, it is a revelation!

The brand new Third Edition incorporates study strategies with the science lessons. I can’t wait to use it next semester. Kristen Salathiel is using the Third Edition now, so ask her how much she loves it. Hint: A lot!