Thanks to those faculty who have submitted project proposals for the October Conference. The rest of us will have an intriguing choice of projects to join on Oct. 10.  Projects range from small departmental projects such as “Emerging EV Battery Technologies & Integration” to projects that involve the full NMC community and beyond, like “Neurodiversity Support Center: Empowering Minds, Embracing Differences.”


Look for project session information coming to your email soon. We are finalizing the sessions and building that part of the program. (“We” being mostly my planning partner. Thanks, Lori Hodek!)

The morning program features a keynote by Dr. Andy Gold of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship.  He will be joined by Will Kitchen of the Office of Opportunities to discuss specific strategies for project planning and implementation. You’ll get some direct instruction followed by time to apply the strategies you learned with help, if you need it, from OOPs facilitators. 


More information is coming soon, but know that some things October Conference will stay the same — donuts, coffee, lunch, apples, cider, and kickball!

October Conference 2023