Thanks to everyone who participated and helped out at October Conference. From what we heard and observed, folks had a productive day with their project groups. The campus was buzzing with design thinking and innovation!

Keynote speaker Andy Gold from the National Association for Community College. Entrepreneurship sent along links, included below, to some of the resources he referenced in his talk. A big thank you to Andy and the OOPs coaches who spent the day with us and helped the groups make progress. Our planning team of Lori Hodek, Jason Slade, and Will Kitchen were great partners.

NMC team at Oct. Conference

Lunch was yummy, donuts went like hotcakes, and snacks were fun. Thanks to staff and volunteers who made sure we had good sound, good seating, good service, and good food! 


And there was kickball, thanks to Marcus Bennett, the general manager, coach, and referee of the big game. Team Faculty and Friends, shown here, all received medals so they are winners. Who cares about the score? Go team! 


Here are Andy’s links with his descriptions:


  1. Mural Learning: a wonderful collaboration tool to work with teams virtually. Tons of design thinking templates and resources. 
  2. Wonderful video featuring Brian Chesky (Airbnb co-founder) discussing the “11-star experience.” A way to frame the ideal state for design thinking. 

Primer on the “5 whys” root cause analysis. This may help the NMC teams to think more critically about the problem they are trying to solve. Simply asking “why” five times may unpack an entirely different outlook on the problem and get to the core source that may be contributing to the challenge.