CIE is available to help non-provisional, full-time faculty complete their peer review requirements for their annual review report. According to our collective bargaining agreement, faculty need to discuss two elements of peer feedback in their annual review. Faculty are expected to participate in two of the following options:
- A classroom observation by the appropriate supervisor or a designated peer.
- An observation of an online course with the peer reviewer added as a guest in a Moodle shell.
- A Small Group Individual Diagnosis (SGID) conducted by CIE
- A peer review of a particular assignment or other instructional artifact, such as an assessment or instructional video.
- Participation in a departmental assessment or curriculum review, such as the Capstone review in Communications.
- Participation in the Online Course Review Cohort, online peer review evaluation, or ELI Fellows.
While most faculty have met at least one of these requirements by now, CIE advisory board members are available to help you fill in any gaps. Check with your chair or director, then let us know if you’d like us to come to your classroom, review an assignment, check out your online class, or conduct a SGID session. We share our reviews with you and not your supervisor. Email
Note: For best results, a Small Group Individual Diagnosis session is usually conducted at the midpoint of the semester. However, a SGID session could be useful for instructors who work with a cohort and will see the same students next year.