Going One Step Further for Our Students

Going One Step Further for Our Students

NMC instructors are always going the extra mile for our students. Here is another opportunity to help our students think beyond NMC. In March, the Advising Center is hosting hosts two great community events: The Career and Employment Fair on March 6th, and the College...
Tools for Active Learning

Tools for Active Learning

In our active learning classroom training session on Friday, we discussed some of the tools that could be helpful in an active learning classroom. Some of the things I use are: 2×2 sticky notes…have students write name on one and place on table facing team...
What is a MOOCOW?

What is a MOOCOW?

It is a “Massive Open Online Course Or Whatever.” After researching and taking several MOOCs, I believe “Or Whatever” describes the true nature of MOOCS. There are a variety of practices going on, which make the original MOOC definition...
Badging From Within

Badging From Within

This Jan 3 article from Inside Higher Ed describes a Competency-Based Learning degree, complete with digital badges, from UC Davis. The University of California at Davis is creating what may be higher education’s most promising digital badge system. But the badges are...
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

While looking for specific higher-ed competency definitions, I ran across http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency. About mid-way through the article, the authors include the section “Standards, Performance Indicators, and Outcomes”...