Think Universal Design to Prevent Exclusion

Think Universal Design to Prevent Exclusion

It’s the time of year for me to meet with new and continuing students about their disability related accommodations. As of 1/14/16, I have emailed 121 Accommodation Notices. That number is sure to rise as the semester ramps up. Speaking with students who have various...
Think Universal Design to Prevent Exclusion

Reader/Scribe Accommodation

Every semester I approve a handful of students to receive the accommodation of a reader (someone who reads the material exactly as written) and/or scribe (someone who fills in an answer sheet exactly as dictated by the student) for tests and quizzes. A student might...
Think Universal Design to Prevent Exclusion

Reflection on Fall Professional Development Day

Now that the Allies for Inclusion exhibit is packed up and sent to the next location, I wanted to share one of the videos from that event. But first, thank you to everyone who joined us for breakfast in the Sculpture Court before the start of Fall Professional...
Think Universal Design to Prevent Exclusion

The Ability Exhibit

Why do we do it? Why accommodate students with disabilities? I could tell you that we accommodate because it’s mandated by law (several of them, actually). I could tell you that it’s simply the right thing to do; put yourselves in their place. I could also...


Although it seems hard to believe, fall semester 2015 is in full swing. All summer I have been meeting with your new and returning students to collect their disability related paperwork and help them apply for accommodations. By now you may have received an...