Ability Exhibit Image with TRADEMARK[1]Why do we do it? Why accommodate students with disabilities? I could tell you that we accommodate because it’s mandated by law (several of them, actually). I could tell you that it’s simply the right thing to do; put yourselves in their place. I could also remind you to use person first language.

Although true, these are just words. From October 18 through October 20, you can meet some of the heroes who fought for Civil Rights for people with disabilities. The office of Disability Support Services here at NMC is hosting Allies for Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit at the Dennos Museum Center. This interactive exhibit has 10 stations designed to build awareness about people with disabilities and the disability movement.

Staff, faculty, students, and the community are encouraged to attend. In fact, the Faculty Development Day on October 20 will begin with a breakfast at Dennos. You can browse the exhibit while enjoying a light breakfast sponsored by Disability Network Northern Michigan. Come see why we accommodate and become an Ally for Inclusion, aka – a superhero!

Learning objectives of The Ability Exhibit.
