Out There and Lovin’ Every Minute of It!

Out There and Lovin’ Every Minute of It!

Beginning next week, the Education Media Technologies department will have on-site “office hours” in three different buildings around NMC.  It will be like Festivus!  Each week a EMT staff member will be on hand for a two hour period to help answer any questions...
New NMC Instructor Site: “teaching @ NMC”

New NMC Instructor Site: “teaching @ NMC”

          A new, one-stop shop for all NMC instructors that includes teaching resources, educational technology, upcoming events, professional development, 21st Century teaching and learning practices, and more.  Teaching @ NMC allows faculty...
Attendance:  The Blackford Files

Attendance: The Blackford Files

“Well, Mark, I want the students to show up for my class,” stated Lisa. At the start of the new semester, Lisa Blackford decided she wanted to implement an attendance policy in one of her Social Work courses.  The idea was to give students 20 points for attendance for...