We are working with an instructor to create a new online Geography course this fall. As part of that process, I created a demo quiz that contains several different types of quiz questions that can be created in Moodle. That’s right, Moodle can do more than...
This is the sixth year of the Writing Challenge and the traditional gift for the sixth anniversary in the UK is candy. Candy is pretty close to ice cream and for participating in the writing challenge, all participants will receive a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Ice...
A new timeline has been put into place for the development of new online courses. If you plan to create a new online course to be delivered in the Fall of 2019, please plan to have the Online Course Development Request Form submitted by November 1st. The goal of this...
The college is seeking nominations for one open faculty seat on Policy Council, two open faculty seats on Planning and Budget Council, and one open staff seat on Planning and Budget Council. For more information on Policy Council and Planning and Budget Council,...
A new timeline for new online courses being developed has been presented to ESIMT and Faculty Council. The goal of this new timeline to have new online courses meet 80% of the criteria in NMC’s Online Course Review Guide prior to the course being available for...