Isn’t Grackle a Bird?

Isn’t Grackle a Bird?

Since we’ve been talking about document structure and creating good materials, I want to introduce you to Grackle. No, not the bird. Grackle is a tool available to you for use with Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Grackle is an accessibility checker that will help you...
Click Here?

Click Here?

In my last article I talked about trying to find an office in a 3-story building with no directory. Today you enter the building and it has a directory, but you are still lost. You see the directory, but it goes something like this: Floor 1 – Office 1, Office 2,...
Reading with Blinders on

Reading with Blinders on

You are someplace new, looking for an office in a 3-story building. You walk in and find there is no directory or any kind of information to help you find what you are looking for. Your only choice is to now walk the halls of every floor until you find where you need...
New to Your Chrome Browser!

New to Your Chrome Browser!

You will notice 4 new icons added to your Chrome browser: These are some new tools for accessibility in reading, writing, math, and reading PDF files, available to NMC campus wide and based on your NMC Google login. They are Read&Write, Equatio, Screen Shot...
New Accessibility Add-On: Grackle Docs

New Accessibility Add-On: Grackle Docs

We have a new accessibility add-on available for use with Google Docs. This is a really easy tool that can help you analyze your document and guide you in any fixes needed to be in compliance with ADA. In this video tutorial, we will show you how to add Grackle Docs...