Coming of age with technology choices

Coming of age with technology choices

Computers and I grew up at the same time, and perhaps that is why I see using technology in my teaching as a way to solve problems rather than a threat to my profession.   When I was small, computers were as big as a room and my dad let us play with the key cards....
Growing learning through connecting classrooms

Growing learning through connecting classrooms

The EDU101 hybrid class I teach has one homework assignment that takes at least 45 hours, and many of the students ask if they can spend more time on it. Some do struggle with their schedules to get it all done, but the question the ask is usually a variation of,...
Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students focus on learning over just looking smart, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge.  -Stanford’s PERTS Mindset Kit (Beta) Teaching this to...
The Ripple Effect of Teaching with Service Learning

The Ripple Effect of Teaching with Service Learning

Last week, I was privileged to attend the final presentation of Kristy McDonald’s students about their BIG Little Hero Race they sponsored to raise funds for Big Brothers and Big Sisters.   Listening to the students describe their own growth during the semester...