We discussed the Canvas Assignments Page last week, touching on how graded activities can be created in multiple places in Canvas and how they appear and can be arranged on the Assignments page. This week, we’ll focus on the process of creating assignments in Canvas....
Canvas Corners Articles
Canvas Corner Volume 8: Understanding the Canvas Assignments Page
The Canvas Assignments page is where the Canvas gradebook is organized. For any activity to count towards the course total, it must be added to the Assignments page. Instructors do not have to create assignments and quizzes directly on the Assignments page, but...
Canvas Corner Volume 7: Using the Canvas Syllabus Feature
At NMC, all instructors are required to post their syllabus in Canvas. Fortunately, Canvas provides a dedicated syllabus feature in the course navigation panel that includes several helpful elements to enhance syllabus clarity and course functionality. The NMC...
Canvas Corner Volume 6: Cleaning Up a Moodle Import (Tricky Stuff)
A few weeks ago, we discussed Moodle-to-Canvas imports and the items that transferred most seamlessly from Moodle to Canvas. Today's Canvas Corner will look at some of the items that do not transfer well (or at all) and discuss some of your options for recreating or...
Canvas Corner Volume 5: Customizing Your Dashboard
The Canvas dashboard is highly customizable. Students and Instructors have the ability to select their courses display type, which courses appear on the dashboard, the color overlay of the course thumbnails, and even the course names themselves! Because the dashboard...
Canvas Corner Volume 4: Cleaning Up a Moodle Import (Easy Stuff)
Awaiting you on your Canvas dashboard are Canvas versions of your 2402 and 2403 Moodle courses (2501 will be arriving soon). These courses have been migrated from Moodle and converted into Canvas's course format, which is quite different from Moodle. As a result, most...
Canvas Corner Volume 3: Creating a Canvas Welcome Page
Last week, we discussed instructor options for course home pages. The most popular option for a home page is using a welcome page, created using a Canvas Page activity and then setting that Page as a Front Page (discussed in last week's Canvas Corner). Learning how to...
Canvas Corner Volume 2: Choosing Your Canvas Home Page
One of the main differences between Canvas and Moodle is that where Moodle places all of your course content on one (often VERY) long page, Canvas allows you to select how students navigate through your course. This may sound a bit complicated, but in practice it is...
Canvas Corner Volume 1: The Training Services Portal & Your Canvas Journey
Welcome to the first ever Canvas Corner w/ Me, Ben Post! In the coming weeks and months, Canvas Corners will address the very basics of using Canvas to build, share, and assess course content. Whether you're ready to start building in Canvas now, plan to wait until...