TerriWe are happy to announce that Dr. Terri Gustafson has joined EMT.  She came to NMC after 18 years at MSU, where she was previously the Director of the Center for Teaching and Technology at the College of Education.  She finished her Ph.D. in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education from the College of Education at MSU in May 2015.  Terri’s research focuses on online and blended learning design, the adoption and use of technology by students in academic settings , and how it affects faculty success implementing emerging technology in courses

Her past national conference presentations have included, “Empowering Faculty Through Tiered Support”, “The Evolution of a Blended Model for Preservice Teacher Education”, and “Beyond the Hype: Strategies for Successful iPad Programs in Higher Education.”

Terri is an MSU Spartan x 3, receiving her BA from MSU in Telecommunications, and her MA in Educational Technology.  She is an avid Spartan sports fan, Red Wings fan, Tigers Fan, and hockey mom to her 10 year old daughter.

Educational Media Technology is excited to have her join our team and look forward to her Leadership.