Faculty who are interested in a deeper dive can also use EL 101 (Online or Summer Jumpstart) as a start to an ELI Fellowship, which would result in a significant reworking of a course. Fellowship awardees work closely with the ELI for these expansions through summer with expectation of running the course sections in the following academic year.
Fellowship awardees will receive a copy of “The Experiential Educator: Principles and Practices of Experiential Learning”, which serves as the backbone to our learning. ELI Fellows also qualify for $1500 that can be used for funding resources, removing barriers, purchasing assistive technology and to honor your time and commitment to EL@NMC.
ELI Fellows go on to become ambassadors, sharing their work where they can, including serving on related committees and supporting events held by the NMC ELI. Watch for more information coming soon! Email us with questions and to express interest (elintitute@nmc.edu).