During this fall PD, I had the opportunity to attend some amazing sessions.

I especially appreciated learning from my peers in other departments. I discussed a book (The Power of
Moments by the Heath Brothers-I recommend it!) with human resources, public relations, English,
Sociology, and Communication staff and faculty. I appreciated the diverse ways of looking at the same
content or issue.

I benefitted from talking with a small group of like- and other-minded individuals about how we can
improve what we do, and ultimately who we are, by changing our perspective and by making very tiny
changes. These changes can include surprising someone with a positive word, provide praise for a job
well done, even reward a student with a sticker! It all adds up and makes a big difference.

Sometimes I forget that we are all just little kids in big bodies. We want to feel included and when we go
that extra mile, we work harder when we know our efforts are noticed.

We all want to be nurtured, noticed, and feel part of the team.