For this year’s first CIE Friday Forum, join Ed Tech and NMC Library for an interactive workshop exploring the impact of Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, Elicit, and DALL-E (among others) on higher education. The session will include a blend of presentation, Q+A, and time for attendees to experiment with AI tools both from their own perspectives as instructors and from a student’s-eye view. Because a portion of the workshop will be interactive, please bring a laptop or tablet. Together, we will discuss:

  • The basics of how Generative AI tools work
  • The (growing) variety of applications of these tools
  • How educators and institutions are responding to the emergence of these tools
  • How students are using the tools
  • Ways you can address the use of Generative AI in your syllabus and classroom
  • The challenges involved in enforcing policies intended to limit the use of AI by students