" "Most images can be made accessible using alternative (alt) text descriptions. However, more complex images require more description then the limited one or two brief sentences that may be used in the image alt text area.

Start by asking:

  • What information does this image add?
  • Does the page make sense without it?
  • What kind of information is it?
    • Text – repeat the words.
    • Visual information – explain it.
    • Sensory information – describe it.
    • Nothing new – ignore it.


Use a caption

Use a caption to describe the image. For MS Word and PowerPoint, right click on the image and select Add Caption.

Describe in surrounding text

If it is adequately described in surrounding text (including text-based tables), just add a short alt text label or description so it’s clear what the image is and the student can correlate the image with the description.

Link out to a page with a longer description

If the image cannot be adequately described in one or two brief sentences of alt text, and it cannot be described sufficiently in the surrounding text, you can link out to another page that provides the information/description needed.