You Spoke and We Listened!

You Spoke and We Listened!

As a result of several comments we received about the functionality of Osterlin 203 & 205, we recently redesigned these classrooms to make it easier for both the instructor and the student.  By repurposing equipment we were able to improve  student viewing by...
Sharing Cart Now Available

Sharing Cart Now Available

Have you dreamed of an easy way to duplicate assignments or resources  between courses?  Or do you miss the ability to have files stored in Moodle? Good news, now you can do that very easily with the new Sharing Cart. The Sharing Cart is a block for duplicating course...
Writing and Reading  Center: Summer Hours

Writing and Reading Center: Summer Hours

As we gear up for the main 8-week session, remember to let your students know about the Writing and Reading Center. For the summer Writing and Reading Center hours will be Monday-Thursday from 10-2. If you would like a tour of the center, or an in-class presentation...
Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students focus on learning over just looking smart, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge.  -Stanford’s PERTS Mindset Kit (Beta) Teaching this to...
Lightboard Teaching Technology: Request for Participants

Lightboard Teaching Technology: Request for Participants

The lightboard is an innovative teaching and learning tool that enables instructors to capture lectures in an engaging format. Essentially, instructors stand behind a piece of glass that has been framed in LED lighting and mounted on a stand. When the instructor...