I’ll be honest, I had no idea that this week is National Distance Learning Week until a colleague at another institution mentioned it in a meeting. Since March 12th, it feels like every week has been National Distance Learning Week so this official designation was off my radar. That said, I’m sharing some resources if you have the time to explore them this week or in the weeks ahead. Thank you for all you do for our students.
MERLOT – It has been around since 1997 and is still a valuable resource, most recently collaborating with the Online Learning Consortium to sponsor international conferences on online and distance learning.
The ETOM Virtual Conference took place last Friday, November 6th, with a keynote by Dr. Norm Vaughn. If you were not able to attend, ETOM is collecting the resources from each session, including Norm’s keynote, in a Google Drive folder. Additionally, Norm’s keynote included two co-created Google Docs centered around blended learning course outcomes and building out assessment activities, reflective activities, and synchronous activities to achieve the outcomes. Below are links to the results of his Blended Online Learning Design activity.