Michigan Works LogoThe Northwest Michigan Works! Adult Education program, through a collaborative effort with Northwestern Michigan College, will be piloting an educational option for adults on the NMC campus. The pilot targets adults with a post-secondary plan who may not be ready for college and are seeking to complete their high school credential or improve their basic academic and computer literacy skills. The program will run year-round and is open-entry with students being able to register at any time.

The lab is an option for students to prepare for an upcoming semester, cost-free, while working on campus and getting familiar with the college environment. The goal of the lab is to encourage students to enter their program of study fully prepared to complete their degrees at NMC.

Lab hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Scholars Hall Computer Lab, Room 206. The free service includes instruction from a Michigan certified adult education instructor. Educational plans are individualized to the student’s needs and students can register at any time of the year.

This program would be an excellent option for current students who need more personalized learning, particularly in reading or basic math, before returning to college. It could also help students place higher or entirely out of developmental classes.

If you know any students or community members who might be interested or if you would like more information, please contact Kathryn Polus at kathrynpolus@networksnorthwest.org, or by phone at (231)922-6915.