As most NMC instructors are already aware, on Saturday, August 12, Moodle gets updated to a new version and theme. This will be the largest change to Moodle’s appearance and functionality since NMC moved to our current theme in December of 2020.
While there will undoubtedly be a learning curve as we all become familiar with the new Moodle workflow, we think users will ultimately appreciate the changes. Please keep in mind as you explore the new version that all of Moodle’s core functions and activities remain intact. It may look different and buttons may be in different places, but it’s still Moodle, meaning you can work on your fall courses before August 12. While the overall appearance of Moodle will change, your created activities, links, videos, assignments, quizzes, etc. will transition smoothly to the new theme. 
To make the transition as smooth as possible, Ed Tech has these offerings over the coming weeks:
  • THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 @ 1 PM: Join me for a Moodle Boost training and Q&A session (View presentation). This training will tour the new Moodle version, explain the rationale for the change, and answer your questions. If you were unable to make this meeting, don’t worry! The recording will be shared via email and posted publicly afterwards.
  • FRIDAY, AUGUST 11: The new Moodle knowledgebase rolls out. We have updated over 70 Moodle tutorials in preparation for the new version and theme, and they’ll be available for you the moment you’re ready to start exploring.
  • SATURDAY, AUGUST 12: Moodle Boost v.4.1 goes live. There will be a new automated tour for the dashboard page and another tour for course pages to help users get oriented to the changes. We recommend you spend a few hours poking around the new theme before judging it or contacting us panicking! Education Technology has been playing with it all summer and have found it to be pretty intuitive and fun to use after the “adjustment period.” If you still have questions after a few days of practice, please reach out to Ed Tech for assistance.
  • THURSDAY, AUGUST 24: #RUMoodleReady?  Ed Tech will be available to help with anything Moodle-related – including questions about the upgrade. We will be in the Timothy J. Nelson Innovation Center room 123 all day or you can join us via Zoom. There will be snacks!

If you have any questions about the updated Moodle, or would like to discuss the new theme 1-on-1, please let me know.