Grading for Growth

Many of us have been following the work of Nick Roster, who is exploring innovative grading practices in his classes. This free newsletter by two Grand Valley profs covers the same topics: specifications grading, standards-based grading, ungrading, and more. This recent post,  Mythbusters: Myths about alternative graders, is by David Clark, who writes the newsletter with Robert Talbert. Nick gives the newsletter his thumbs up, by the way!


NMC Marine Technology Society Newsletter

This MTS newsletter is freshly launched by our own marine technology students. Many of the students involved with the society and the newsletter have been through my technical writing course, so, yes, I am bragging!  While I am gratified to see the students use their communication skills, I am even more impressed with their initiative in getting their student group up and running. These students have created a tight-knit and supportive cohort that makes the marine tech program shine.