MOODLE 3.9: Our team finished testing Moodle version 3.9 in early December and the new version will be installed on December 24. Version 3.9 is very similar to our current version of Moodle and you should notice only a few differences between the two versions.
The largest noticeable difference to instructors will be the changes to the activity chooser. While the chooser will look very differently and function a little differently, overall we believe it will be a popular update to one of the most-used features in Moodle.
Please watch the following for a sneak peak of the new activity chooser and how it functions:
#RUMoodleReady? (VIRTUAL): On Wednesday, January 6th from 10-5 pm the Ed Tech team will be available on Zoom to help with anything Moodle-related – from gradebook setup, the creation of META shells, course transfers, or help on developing content and instructional design. You can find the link to the training on the “Keep Teaching” calendar in your NMC google calendar or click on this link on the 6th to join us!