What is it that you wish your students to know, understand and be able to do as a result of your teaching and their learning in your class? How will you know when they get there, and what will you do if they don’t?
Kick your teaching up a notch, and make learning more meaningful and relevant to our students through developing and reviewing Significant Learning Outcomes to ensure their alignment with our General Education Outcomes as well as your class assessments. Purposeful use of this process increases student understanding while streamlining your teaching.
In January, NMC hired a part time instructional designer, Cathy Meyer, to work with Tracy Russo in assisting any academic areas (as a group or individually) in need of support in writing and/or revising their learning outcomes, aligning what they do have, and creating meaningful assessments to support student learning. Cathy and Tracy will also be developing templates and resources to assist in this important work.
Cathy comes to us with a background in K-12 as well as higher education. She currently teaches full time in the Educational Leadership department at GVSU but has worked extensively in K-12 as a teacher and administrator improving instruction and enhancing the learning of all students through intentional planning and developing of learning targets and aligning the assessments with what it is we wish our students to know, understand and be able to do.
If you’d like to know more, contact Cathy (cmeyer-looze@nmc.edu) or Tracy (trusso@nmc.edu) OR, use the form below to access more time and resources!