Stages of Insensitivity Turned Teaching Moments

Stages of Insensitivity Turned Teaching Moments

Inclusivity practices should be involuntary, but sadly, we live in a world where that is not the case. I had a difficult moment in the classroom last week as I was trying to get students to think about what it would be like to be… (basically someone other than...

Service Learning:Transfer,Time,Travel Part 1

Over the past three years, my students have contributed to cross-disciplinary service learning projects focused on homelessness and poverty. As many of you know, my writing students (along with social work and sociology students) have been constructing community...
Creating Classroom Community #BestYearEver

Creating Classroom Community #BestYearEver

Even after 20+ years of teaching, it seems that no two start of semesters is ever the same. Some classes gel immediately, some create polarized groupings, and some just look at me. Silently. Or, the classes start great, but then the momentum drops unexpectedly. The...