“I’d like a tutor.”

“I’d like a tutor.”

When I was a CIT instructor, I would think “Oh, no – not again!” Could I help this student? How??? I really wanted to satisfy each learner’s request for help, but I might not be able to find a tutor. Many of NMC’s second-year CIT students...
Reflections from down the road…

Reflections from down the road…

Yes, I am retired; I no longer facilitate learning. Are my teaching and learning opinions still relevant? Although I no longer teach, I certainly am learning… MOOCs of great variety seem to be available everywhere; I completed two since commencement last May and am...
Growing learning through connecting classrooms

Growing learning through connecting classrooms

The EDU101 hybrid class I teach has one homework assignment that takes at least 45 hours, and many of the students ask if they can spend more time on it. Some do struggle with their schedules to get it all done, but the question the ask is usually a variation of,...
The NMC Lightboard is here!

The NMC Lightboard is here!

The lightboard is an innovative teaching and learning tool that enables instructors to capture lectures in an exciting, engaging format. Essentially, instructors stand behind a lighted piece of glass mounted on a stand. Words appear to glow and float, resulting in an...
Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Growing Your Students’ Mindset Online

Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students focus on learning over just looking smart, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge.  -Stanford’s PERTS Mindset Kit (Beta) Teaching this to...