

Luke Southern is a freelance artist and this rendering* of Maslow’s hierarchy depicts so succinctly how I feel about now. Actually, it’s more like I am hanging on by my fingernails, sliding down to safety, scrabbling back up to affirmation, just to slippity-slide back...
Becoming Our Best, Bravest Selves

Becoming Our Best, Bravest Selves

As a way of making sense of my days, even prior to the coronavirus pandemic, most nights before I retire I do some journaling to help me reflect upon my day and my leadership practice. I ask not only how’d we do today; but also, how might I do better tomorrow....
Making it FUN – keeping students engaged in uncertain times

Making it FUN – keeping students engaged in uncertain times

My classes have theme weeks.  If you’re a student in my class, you  can guess the theme via facebook (Drcathynmc), twitter (@DrCathyNMC), Instagram (@DrCathyNMC), or just do it old school in our Zoom meetings in Moodle. I’ve even grabbed the username on...