Apr 16, 2020
Luke Southern is a freelance artist and this rendering* of Maslow’s hierarchy depicts so succinctly how I feel about now. Actually, it’s more like I am hanging on by my fingernails, sliding down to safety, scrabbling back up to affirmation, just to slippity-slide back...
Apr 16, 2020
As a way of making sense of my days, even prior to the coronavirus pandemic, most nights before I retire I do some journaling to help me reflect upon my day and my leadership practice. I ask not only how’d we do today; but also, how might I do better tomorrow....
Apr 9, 2020
I’ve done a considerable amount of reading on trauma informed teaching over the last two weeks. It is very relevant and pertinent given our new realities. As a writer and reflective practitioner, I’ve been writing down my thoughts and connecting together...
Apr 7, 2020
My classes have theme weeks. If you’re a student in my class, you can guess the theme via facebook (Drcathynmc), twitter (@DrCathyNMC), Instagram (@DrCathyNMC), or just do it old school in our Zoom meetings in Moodle. I’ve even grabbed the username on...
Apr 7, 2020
I’ve been doing considerable reading in the evening hours, absorbing the advice and feedback from colleagues in higher ed and K-12. We are all navigating this strange online transition. And we’re learning along the way. Here are some of the more...