Check Out These Free Online PD Opportunities

Check Out These Free Online PD Opportunities

The Michigan Student Success Summit In lieu of our typical annual in-person Success Summit, the Michigan Center for Student Success is pleased to be offering a schedule of dynamic virtual sessions over the course of two weeks in September (16-18th and 23-25th) as...
New PD Funding Process for this Year–Act Now!

New PD Funding Process for this Year–Act Now!

Remember that as part of the college-wide belt tightening this year, CIE’s budget has not been funded. Instead, we are using the money that we have left over from last year to fund our needs for this year. As a result, we will need to think about and do things a bit...
Fall updates: New DVD check out location & Zoom tidbits

Fall updates: New DVD check out location & Zoom tidbits

DVD Collection On August 4th, the Ed Tech team moved from their location in the Osterlin Building to the basement of West Hall Innovation Center. We are in the space formally occupied by the NMC Bookstore. As part of this downsizing, we handed over the management of...
Moodle Dates for Fall 2020

Moodle Dates for Fall 2020

Time may have become a flat circle abstraction in the age of COVID-19 and distance learning, but the fall semester approaches to remind everyone that time indeed does march on. Below you’ll find important Moodle dates relevant to the upcoming school year: Once Upon a...
Two Takes on Assessment

Two Takes on Assessment

I have been thinking a lot recently about assessment. First, I’ve been thinking about it because, you know, it’s a lot of what we do as teachers–we try to figure out what students are learning and what they are struggling with. Second, I was part of...